
Vi har nöjet att meddela att i 2018 års upplaga av ”The World’s Leading Patent Professionals” som publiceras av IAM Magazine, så är Annika Kilander, Partner och Europapatentombud på Brann, rankad som ”recommended” för patenthandläggning (individnivå), samt så är Brann rankad som ”recommended” för patenthandläggning på byrånivå.

Annika Kilander beskrivs som “a stand-out; she is a mechanical engineering authority, is “incredibly experienced in patent work and takes a deeply pragmatic approach. The European patent attorney boasts significant time spent in-house and in private practice, and applies this towards realizing the optimum commercial value of innovation and developing a clear path to fully fledged patent portfolios.”

Brann beskrivs som en byrå “offering comprehensive patent intelligence and a rock-solid filing capacity, BRANN astutely manoeuvres its pan-disciplinary following through the IP minefield. Peers praise the squad for its “meticulous and thorough understanding of technology” and its strategic advice.”

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